The Bergh Family Records

Memorandum by F.R.B. on letter from Hamburg dated 5.8.1904

There can be no doubt that the "Buttonmaker" is identical with the "Teacher of English". The Archivist has been misled by the two different occupations one indulged in in early youth being the same as that of his Father and Grandfather before him.

It will be observed that none of the information as to the parentage etc of the buttonmaker is repeated as to the Teacher and the latter disappears from the records just about the time the former dies. We know the buttonmaker came to England yet the fact is not mentioned as to him. The three christian names are the same.

The Archivist states that Meusel is wrong in saying the Teacher went to London in "July 179". Put the year 177 and it fits in with the Buttonmaker who married in London in 1778.

Rasmann's Pantheon does not say the Teacher was living in London "in 1823". 1823 is the date of publication and all ir says is "Living in London". This is explained by the fact of the Book being reprinted, the original statement being correct when first published.

Under what circumstances the son of a Buttonmaker came to England first, got down to Gibstrud, learnt English and Astronomy (see his son's Obituary Notice) has yet to be discovered. It will be observed that the son of an "Author by profession" which also points to the Teacher and Buttonmaker being the same person. The buttonmaking probably consistd of carving bone, ivory and wood. F.R.B.