Hickson Genealogy

List of people with the spelling 'Hixon'

First names and approxiate year of birth

Only people born before 1916

  1. Kate Hixon, 1858
  2. Kate Hixon, 1875
  3. Kate Hixon, 1877
  4. Kate Hixon, 1884
  5. Kath Hixon, 1668
  6. Katharine Hixon, ca 1578
  7. Katharine Hixon, 1711
  8. Katherine Hixon, ca 1583
  9. Katherine Hixon, 1661
  10. Katheryne Hixon, 1571
  11. Kelly Hixon, 1879
  12. Kenneth Hixon, ca 1903
  13. Kenneth Hixon, ca 1908
  14. Keziah Hixon, 1856
  15. King Edward Hixon, ca 1900
  16. Kyzzie Hixon, 1845

First Names starting with L to Z are on the next page

Please contact Anthony Hickson for further information